Bert Replica Puppet Build
Replica Builds, Sesame StreetThis is a quick image guide on how I built my Bert replica. I tried to provide a lot of pictures for you to give you ideas on how you can build your own. Enjoy and feel free to ask me anything.
Developed my own pattern for foam skull, jaw and mouth plate. I have no problem sharing these, just reach out to me if interested. There not perfect but I am satisfied with them.

Used Cricut to create and mockup facial features.

Added red velvet to mouth plate.

Developed eyebrow mechanism.

Attached eyebrow mechanism to mouth plate.

Created fabric head pattern.

Died antron fleece. Used the following colors:

Added finger loops to mouth plate for control.

Fabric head pattern.

Created foam body pattern and covered with fleece. Created neck pattern that connects to head and the bottom of body for mobility.

Created hair and eyebrow from black faux fur. Created nose from shaved styrofoam egg wrapped in orange antron fleece. Testing eyebrow mechanism and head mobility.

Created hand and arm pattern. Started building shirt.

Built foam hands with wire and arm rods.

Cleaned up shirt sewing and added white turtle neck from tube sock.

Cleaned up front seam on chin.